Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Friday, April 3, 2020

Feast and Fast in the Time of an Epidemic

Feast and Fast in the Time of an Epidemic

Jim Burklo

Let us fast from hugging and handshaking
And let us feast on bowing and waving.
Let us fast from hoarding food and toilet paper
And let us feast on the food in the back of our pantries.
Let us fast from gathering physically
And let us feast on communing virtually.
Let us fast from obsessing about the future
And let us feast on the everyday wonders of the present.
Let us fast from casting blame for our troubles
And let us feast on showing compassion for the most vulnerable.
Let us fast on being scared
And let us feast on getting prepared.
Let us fast from fear
And let us feast on the perfect Love that casts it out.


Thursday, April 2, 2020

Spiritual Care Resources for Religious Holidays e-book

Spiritual Care resources for religious holidays free e-book

Hi all!

Have a look at the free e-book by clicking on the link above.

There are some really interesting learnings there (okay, for me there were). Note that it is American based and may not be your usual practice but there may be some ponderings in there.

Be well.
Ann V-D