Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids. Show all posts

Thursday, April 2, 2020

How to Talk with Children About COVID19

Hi again,
Here is a link to a short article by Alan Wolfeldt on how to talk with children about COVID19.

He is an internationally known and respected publisher of multiple books on grief, trauma and working with various ages and specific contexts.

I hope you find this helpful.


(the link isn't active so just copy and paste into your browser)

Pediatric Prayers for those affected by COVID-19

Prayers written or adapted by chaplains from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in response to the Covid-19 crisis. 

A Prayer for a Parent to Read with their Sick Child

You know right now things feel scary.
We are worried, and my child does not feel well. But even now, we know we are not alone.

Love surrounds us like warm blankets.
Hope is still there, even when we can't always see it. Everywhere we look, there are doctors and nurses and helpers.

May our hearts be filled with peace instead of worry, Hope instead of fear,
Thankfulness for all of the helpers, instead of loneliness.

May we hold tight to each other,
believing that even when it is hard and painful, it will get better. May
my child’s body heal just like it should,
and may their pain be gone.
May angels watch over us,
and may we rest in peace and hope.


A Prayer for a Parent to Read with their Sick Child
Dear God,
I love this little one with my whole heart, and I know that you do too.
Please help us both to remember that
even though we can’t see you with our eyes, we can feel you with our hearts.

Please take away any pain or fear that they may be feeling. Bring them healing and comfort.
May they know how loved they are by You, and by me, and by all our family and friends.

A Prayer for the Parent of a Sick Child
Loving God,
At this difficult time of feeling very alone and scared, please fill me with your presence.
Help me to see and feel your hand in even the little connections that happen today:
Send nurses who offer a kind word and caring touch to me and my child,
doctors who take time to listen to my concerns,
environmental services people who clean our room with safety in mind,

and people who stock the supplies we need.
God, help me to see you in each caregiver we encounter today.

May I offer loving kindness to others in return,
for wherever there is love, there you are.
Help me to know that I am not alone in this time of need.


A Prayer for Staff to Read at the Time of Death of a Child
In this time of sacred, heart-breaking mystery, we give thanks for this precious life
now to be held in the protective arms of God.

May the Divine presence and light, surrounding (child’s name) bring peace,
and may that same Presence also give strength and courage
to those who will hold this child forever in their hearts.


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A Kid's Book About COVID-19

Recommended by Joan and Phil:

A link for kids who are concerned and asking questions about COVID-19

A Kids Book About Covid-19